
The Government of Uganda (GoU) has signed a loan agreement with the International Fund for Agricultural Development (IFAD) and has received a grant from the Adaptation for Small Holder Agriculture Programme (ASAP) towards the cost of the Project for the Restoration of Livelihoods in the Northern Region (PRELNOR).

The project is being financed by the Government of Uganda, IFAD, ASAP grant and beneficiaries contributions. IFAD is financing 70.8% of the project costs (USD 50.2 million); the ASAP grant financing is 14.1% of total costs (USD 10 million); GoU is financing the taxes and duties USD 9.2 million representing 13% of total costs. Beneficiaries are expected to contribute USD 1.5 million, representing 2.1% of total costs.

PRELNOR is a seven year project that effectively started in August 2015 running up to 30th September 2022 and the financing closing date 31st march 2023.

Project Development Goals

The overall project goal is: Increased income, food security and reduced vulnerability of poor rural households in the project area.

The project development objective is: Increased sustainable production, productivity and climate resilience of small holder farmers with increased and profitable access to domestic and export markets

Project Components

The project has three components. These are:

(a) Rural Livelihoods
(b) Market Linkages and Infrastructure
(c) Programme Management and Coordination

Rural Livelihoods

The purpose of the rural livelihoods component is to enable a higher proportion of farm households, who are not yet market oriented, to achieve levels of production…

Market Linkages and Infrastructure

The main activities will be working with economic-oriented groups who have identified business opportunities and profitability as their priority focus…

Project Management and Coordination

This component is to ensure that the program is efficiently and effectively managed to achieve the expected results. The Ministry of Local Government (MoLG)…