PRELNOR Partners and their Roles in the Project
District Local Government
Prelnor is working with 9 Districts (Gulu, Omoro, Pader, Agago, Adjumani, Amuru, Nwoya, Kitgum and Lamwo). The District Local Governments are the key implementers of the PRELNOR project at the District, Sub county and Parish level. DLGs implement, monitor, and supervises activities in the district.
District Farmers Association
The two functional District Farmers Associations of Gulu and Adjumani signed Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) in September 2016 and they are expected to deliver on extension services of the project.
National Agricultural Research Organization (NARO) Institutes
Agricultural Engineering and Appropriate Technology Research Center (AEATREC) is partnering with the PRELNOR project for piloting appropriate smallholder mechanization demonstration.
Ngetta and Abi Zonal Agricultural Research and Development Institutes (ZARDIs) is expected to deliver on production of foundation seeds, support to adaptive research and promotion of Climate-Smart Agricultural technologies and practices, was completed.
Makerere University Center for Climate Change Research and Innovations PRELNOR is in partnership with Makerere University Center for Climate Change Research and Innovations (MUCCRI) for the training of extension staff on priority climate resilient crop production systems was initiated.
Ministry of Energy and Mineral Development (MEMD)
PRELNOR is partnering with the Ministry of Energy and Mineral Development (MEMD) to disseminate renewable energy technologies (RETs) among target groups. Some of the RETs for promotion are biolatrine and solar systems, and improved cook stoves.
Uganda National Meteorological Authority (UNMA)
The project is in partnership with the Uganda National Meteorological Authority (UNMA) to help provide the agro-meteorology information used for farming decisions. The project will improve network coverage of automatic weather stations, and subsequently enhance data capture, analysis, and timely dissemination to targeted farmer groups.